wrote this on Апр 19, 2016
Everybody who builds mobile apps agrees that retention is the most confusing metric.
As there are a plenty of various metrics to measure retention (D1, D7, D30, Week1, Week5, Month 2), it’s crucial to choose the one to concentrate on. So, what’s retention? Dinesh Vernekar answers the question in his article.
wrote this on Мар 26, 2016
It’s a common concern of all SaaS product creators to convert signups into paying clients. In order to reach this particular goal, you should be aware of latest trends, concepts and practices for it. Today we suggest you to get acquainted with an awesome project - Churn University - a resource for people building SaaS businesses.
wrote this on Мар 17, 2016
The majority of modern analytical systems work on the basis of events. An event is any user action in an app fixed by an analytical system. Analysts usually choose the following events:
- user registration or the first visit
- app entry
- payment (virtual or real)
The three events are enough to calculate user retention metrics, activity and monetization, i.e. to answer 80% of analytics questions. But is it enough?
Vasiliy Sabirov answers the burning question in his article.
wrote this on Мар 16, 2016
An analyst David Bland has written in his Medium blog a note with advice on how to use Lean Startup principles - a method allowing to test ideas and business models quickly. Olga Shishkova has shared the material on VC.ru.
wrote this on Мар 15, 2016
Are you thinking on developing a new idea? Yana Polukord offers a detailed guide for you to learn.
So, you have an idea, what should will you do next?
wrote this on Мар 6, 2016
Jeff Jordan, Anu Hariharan, Frank Chen, and Preethi Kasireddy consider themselves very lucky to have an opportunity to meet thousands of entrepreneurs every year. Thus, they see various metrics that display health of companies. But there are cases when metrics don’t really display the state of business or people use various interpretations of one and the same metric.
So, the authors have compiled a list of common metrics and the ones that are easy to confuse. It’s true that “good metrics aren’t about raising money from VCs — they’re about running the business in a way where founders know how and why certain things are working (or not) … and can address or adjust accordingly.”
wrote this on Фев 16, 2016
Neil Patel, KISSmetrics founder and a creator of Amazon, NBC, GM, HP marketing strategies, gives valuable tips on how to tell about company products and services in various formats. He also explains which content increases sales, how to make it and what peculiarities they have.
wrote this on Дек 26, 2015
Lars Lofgren is a project manager at KISSmetrics. He likes helping young SaaS-services and he writes for KISSmetrics and his own blog regularly. In this article he offers extremely useful information and we are happy to share it with you.
wrote this on Дек 22, 2015
Jim Ross, senior UX architect at Infragistics, considers that nowadays there are many people aware of UX and the importance of understanding users. But still there are myths concerning how to acquire this understanding. And in this article he reveals the truth about user research.
wrote this on Дек 17, 2015
Looking back on 2015, there are many things to remember in all spheres. As for web design, mobile browsing overtakes desktop. Jerry Cao along with UXPin design team have investigated top trends and how to use their benefits in 2016.