Genuine motivation
Leonid Zverugowrote this on Июн 20, 2014

There are two types of tasks - algorithmic and heuristic.
Algorithmic are solved using a well-defined sequence of actions that provide a predictable result. In the Western world a person has to perform less algorithmic problems because they automate their work or delegate such work to the third world countries.
Heuristic tasks do not have ready solutions. Solving them people experiment and invent something. Design, programming, analysis, customer service - all these spheres require creativity and skills. Western economy is increasingly dependent on the solution of such problems.
Old Motivation 2.0
2.0 Motivation is the motivation of industrial society, carrot and stick approach. It is based on the assumption that people are lazy and do not want to work, so they must be stimulated. Good behavior is encouraged by salary and bonuses, bad is punished with fines.
When Motivation 2.0 is applied to algorithmic tasks, people get a great result. The employee sees the goal, understands the process and concentrates all the power to deal with it as quickly as possible. In the era of industrialization such motivation was excellent.
But when Motivation 2.0 is applied to heuristic tasks, the result is worse. People fixate on the goal and follow the most obvious way. But heuristic task has no obvious solution. A person focused on the goal can not look at the problem from the other side, it's silly and gives a mediocre result. Psychologists have conducted several experiments to check this effect and each time come to the same conclusion:
The postindustrial paradox is that money work depressing
Salary increase does not make employee more creative and motivated. It's still the same person, but more expensive. More money will not make the employee more valuable. He becomes more valuable when he is inspired by an interesting task. This is Motivation 3.0.
New Motivation 3.0
It is motivation of postindustrial society. It is based on the assumption that a person wants to work and be valuable, to create something important and become a master of his craft. Motivation 3.0 is driven by a man from the inside and does not accept strict external controls.
People with Motivation 3.0 selflessly play computer games, attend singing classes or read books about psychology, buy books at "Amazon", read articles on the Internet all night long, write code for their own project etc. And they do not think about money.
Motivation 3.0 is manifested in the things that are genuinely importanta for a person. Then he achieves mastery without external control and financial incentives.
3.0 Motivation in business
Knowing all this, it is strange to hire people who work only for money. They will do nothing outstanding in fear of losing working place. And as soon as they are offered more, they will move to the competitors. Hire people who have common goals with you. Hire those who want to become the best in the world. Hire people on the job which they are willing to do for free.
The same for employees: do not go to work just for money. It is understood that everybody has to pay the rent and the loan. But one thing is to stick to the hated work for a bag of money, and quite another is to do what you like with inspiration and receive a smaller bag.
By the way, the bags of money will appear themselves when you achieve mastery. Skills come only in those areas to which you are willing to give all your heart with no money and recognition.
Putting money in the forefront is the last century.