The best days to launch or promote your iOS app — by category (Q1 2015)
Leonid Zverugowrote this on Авг 6, 2015

Many people have the following question: What is the best day to launch or promote an app? Hugh Kimura says there’s no definite answer, so we need to consider every category separately. Their Data Science team has carried out an investigation of all the primary iOS categories in order to understand which days are more successful considering downloads and revenue.
It’s essential to understand revenue tendencies because you need to know when to launch in-app purchase promotions.
Speaking about revenue, Sunday is the best day to do promotions. Though, there are slight bumps on Monday and Wednesday.
The same is for installs, so promote your books on the weekend.
Wednesday and Thursday are the best days to run your purchase promotions for apps from this category.
As for downloads, it’s very similar. But Tuesday and Thursday are a little bit better to promote downloads.
Weekends is the period when catalogs get the most revenue. Well, it’s the time when people shop. And the best day is Sunday.
Monday is a good option to carry out download promotions.
Patterns of the Education and Catalogs categories are very similar. Weekends are the best choice.
Promote downloads on weekends as the download graph is flat during the week.
As people usually have fun on Saturdays, it’s the best day is the best day to promote Entertainment app purchases.
Saturday and Sunday are the days with the most installs.
Here’s a surprise: Sunday is the best day for revenue, then Saturday and Monday follow.
But download graph is different from the revenue graph. People install apps during the week and wait until the weekend to explore them and make in-app purchases. Some download a free version during the week and upgrade it to a paid one on the weekend.
Food & Drink
Sunday is the absolute best day to promote purchases. Then go Monday and Wednesday.
As for downloads, they are the most frequent during the weekend.
The weekend is a great time to promote purchases in games. Saturday is a little bit better.
The download graph is very similar to revenue.
Health And Fitness
Apps from this category do well during weekends. Though, the beginning of the week is also OK. The best day is Sunday, the worst - Friday.
The same for the download graph. Promote on Sundays and avoid Fridays.
There are little bumps on Mondays and Wednesday, but still apps from the Lifestyle category make the most on weekends.
Downloads are similar. Choose Saturday or Sunday to run your promotions on.
Medical apps make the most money on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Sundays. Saturdays are the worst days.
There’s a dip on Friday and Saturday on the download graph.
You can actually experiment with any day except Tuesday. But there’s a real explosion on Saturday.
As for downloads, people tend to install Music apps during weekends.
Weekends is when Navigation apps do well.
A situation with downloads is a little bit different. Fridays don’t have an advantage over other weekdays, so emphasize weekends.
News apps do best on weekends. Tuesdays should be avoided.
Downloads also happen more frequently on the weekends. Tuesday isn’t as bad as other weekdays for downloads, they are almost as good as any other weekday.
Both News and Newsstand apps make the most on Saturday and the least on Tuesday.
All weekdays are pretty much the same. The weekend is, obviously, the best time.
Photo & Video
Weekends are the best for Photo & Video apps. Take advantage of this.
The same is for downloads.
It’s strange but true: apps from the Productivity category are flat during all week. Every day is good.
Both the download and revenue graphs are similar. Try every day of the week.
Reference apps get the most revenue on the weekends. Take a closer look at Mondays and Wednesdays.
As for downloads, focus on weekends.
Social Networking
And again the weekends is the best time to concentrate on promotions.
The same concerns downloads. But if you want to promote during the week, any day is good.
This category has the largest day-of-the-week range. We strongly recommend advise you to concentrate on the weekends.
The download graph is similar. Schedule your promotion on Saturday or Sunday.
As people usually travel on weekends, it’s would be great to promote purchases on the weekends as well.
The weekends is a perfect time for download promotions. Most weekends are about the same.
It’s predictable. Utilities are used the most on the weekends. Tuesday is a day you should avoid.
There isn’t a big difference between weekdays and weekends. Downloads happen most frequently on the weekends.
Sunday is the best day to promote purchases.
Monday and Saturday are pretty much the same, with downloads cratering on Friday. But you should avoid the end of the working week.
We hope that this information is useful for you and helped you to decide on a promotion day.
The estimated downloads and revenue numbers come from Store Intelligence product.